Monday, March 7, 2011


Good news from the Dr. My E2 has gone up to where it is suppposed to be. It started at 83.5. should have been closer to 100, then to 138, then exploded to 331 and the call today told me it is 790. The number should have been 800 today for what they expect and it is almost there. I just start slow and then boom. Also at the sono today we saw 7 follicles. Good but could be better. I have to go into get another set of blood work and another sono tomorrow morning and we will see what day my retrieval will be. The nurse today said probably on fri but we will wait and see. Yeah. The shots aren't too bad but I am so bruised and sick of giving them everyday. My mom said to just remember this stuff and if we do get pregnant and are blessed with a child then we can hold this over their head forever.
Went to the graduation extravanza today on campus. They have all of the information correct so I am set for Fri. May 13 at 2 pm. That is if everything goes well in classes. Yeah. What a great year this has been so far.

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