Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Stay at home mom

Here we go. We have decided that I will take off the summer and just enjoy the time with Jonathan. Big change. No work. How will I survive?? I think very well.
I get to try to be an actual mom. I can cook and do mom stuff. I lot of time will be spent at Bonnie's house in their pool
Also I can focus on getting back into shape. Cooking and eating healthy will be the big players in that goal. Also will be able to get to the gym everyday if I choose. The little that I have been going so far has shown big changes so I can only hope that the more I get to goal the bigger those changes will be.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scary visit

During our first visit to the OB, we had to have blood work and a pap done. The blood work all came back great. I did get a call from our OB about my pap. It showed some abnormal cells and she needed me to come in to have another test performed. The technical term for what I had was Low-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion or LSIL. I've been doing some reading and its serious but if caught early they can take care of it. The test she did was called a colposcopies. It involved swabbing the outer edges of the cervix with a vinegar like substance to see if anything showed white. Of course mine did in one area.
She said that we will wait until 6 weeks after the baby is born before we go back in and look at it again. Sometimes these things resolve themselves. If not I will have to have a biopsy and then look at other treatments to get rid of it.

Other than that I am fine. I am 9 days away from the 2nd trimester. We will be going in again to see the OB to have an ultrasound and blood work done to check for birth defects soon. By then, the baby should be looking more like a baby and less like stumpy.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Big News

It has been way too long since I put anything on here. I just didn't feel like there was anything to talk about until now.
The first round of IVF didn't take. That was really hard on both of us. All the shots, pills and hopes seemed dashed. We talked about our options to Dr Mansfield and she agreed that we should wait and try again when we were ready.
The summer was great. We had a long vacation to Vegas and back. It was Doug, me and my mom on a driving trip for almost 2 weeks. We saw a lot of really great things that we wouldn't usually since we always fly.
When we got back from vacation we decided to try the IVF again. We went in for the implant on Nov 30. We went a different route though. More shots. This time progesterone. They have to be IM and so Doug has gotten quite handy with the needle in my bobo.
We went in for the first pregnancy test on December 9. So stressful waiting but then the phone call came and the test was positive. The number was 187. They wanted us to come back on Sun to take another to make sure that the numbers were increasing. They were into the 300.
We went in on Dec 27 for our first sonogram with Dr Mansfield. So scared. She said the baby was doing fine and the heartbeat was looking great. We go in on Jan 10 for our next.

Only 5 more weeks and we make it past the first trimester. Fingers crossed that all is well.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Follow up

It's been awhile since I have been on here. A lot has happened and not happened at the same time. We went in for the implant on March 16. Everything went well. That evening, at about 11:30 we ended up having to take Wally to the animal emergency clinic. He was really bad off and we had to put him down. It was so horrible. The only consolation is that he hadn't really been Wally for about a year. He was so weak. Next, we had the pregnancy test on March 25. It came back negative. We were crushed. All that work and nothing. We did go in and talk to our Dr a week later and we have other alternatives that we can pursue. Capstone is over. We gave our presentation on Saturday April 16 and we rocked it. So glad that was over. So much stress and headache for a company that we found would not be profitable with the resources we have. That's ok. Its over and I only have one more class then it's Graduation time. Still waiting on announcements and cap and gown to get here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The big day

This was the day that we have been working on for a month. The shots, pills, blood draws and sonongrams all led up to this. We had our implantation. We went in last fri to retrieve the eggs and it has been very stressful waiting for today. Would the eggs make it, would they get to the cell amount that they needed to? All 4 of them reproduced and so we took the 3 best to put back in. Now it's just a waiting game to see how they handle being put back in. We do a pregnancy test next fri and at that point we know if we are moving ahead.
My mom and Doug both went and were very excited as well about the whole process. Mom from both the clinical and the fact that her daughter may finally get pregnant.
We met Stacey for lunch afterwards at Red Robin and then I came home and crawled back into bed until I couldn't stand it anymore.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One more shot

The time has finally arrived. We go in Fri for the retrieval. Yeah. We had our final sonogram this morning and some of the follicles have finally gotten to where they are supposed to be. Some of the others are showing potential growth as well, so we will have to wait and see what the dr finds.
My last shot is the HCG. I have to do that at 8:30 tonite and then start taking lots of pills for infection and swelling.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Good news from the Dr. My E2 has gone up to where it is suppposed to be. It started at 83.5. should have been closer to 100, then to 138, then exploded to 331 and the call today told me it is 790. The number should have been 800 today for what they expect and it is almost there. I just start slow and then boom. Also at the sono today we saw 7 follicles. Good but could be better. I have to go into get another set of blood work and another sono tomorrow morning and we will see what day my retrieval will be. The nurse today said probably on fri but we will wait and see. Yeah. The shots aren't too bad but I am so bruised and sick of giving them everyday. My mom said to just remember this stuff and if we do get pregnant and are blessed with a child then we can hold this over their head forever.
Went to the graduation extravanza today on campus. They have all of the information correct so I am set for Fri. May 13 at 2 pm. That is if everything goes well in classes. Yeah. What a great year this has been so far.